About People Business Services

People Business Services is a company dedicated to bridging the gap between experienced professionals and organizations in need of their expertise. Our mission is to provide a platform where mature professionals can continue contributing to society and companies, while also supporting startups with limited budgets to achieve success.

Founded by a team of individuals with diverse backgrounds, People Business Services brings together the best of both worlds. One of our founders possesses over 20 years of experience in the HR and Recruitment field, ensuring a deep understanding of the industry and its challenges. The other founders bring strong technical backgrounds, allowing us to combine expertise from different domains.

The motivation behind starting People Business Services stems from the global trend of an aging workforce. As the world population ages, these mature professionals, often referred to as silver-haired individuals, possess valuable knowledge and experience. They are well-educated and eager to make meaningful contributions to their society and companies, or support startups despite their limited budgets.

Unlike younger professionals, the main concern for these mature professionals is not how much they earn but how they can utilize their knowledge effectively. People Business Services provides them with the opportunity to take on different jobs and projects according to their own needs and time arrangements. This flexibility allows them to strike a balance between personal commitments and professional endeavors.

Through People Business Services, MNCs (Multinational Corporations), SMEs (Small and Medium Enterprises), and startups can access a pool of high-quality professionals without straining their limited budgets. By hiring these experienced individuals, organizations can tap into a wealth of expertise, enabling them to achieve their goals and drive success.

At People Business Services, we believe that age should not be a barrier to professional growth and contribution. We are committed to empowering mature professionals and connecting them with organizations that can benefit from their knowledge, experience, and passion. Together, we can create a stronger, more inclusive workforce that thrives on the diverse talents and perspectives of individuals at every stage of their careers.